It's been a rough week already. My 3 year old had to have double eye surgery in St. Louis on Monday. While stetting in the hospital room waiting for the recovery nurse to call I had some time to think about this blog. I don't want to narrow myself into one specific category but I also don't want to be so spread out that I don't have a direction at all. With that said I have a lot planned for this page and I hope others find something useful in it. What are some things you would like to see?
Keep an eye out for Throw Back Thursdays and 10 Something Tuesdays!
Now that's all out of the way let's get to the laundry.....I heard that moan from all of you! I don't really like doing laundry either but I've found a few things to make it easier and cheaper.
First up, lets keep some of that hard earned money in your wallet so you can spend it on Creations By CC. Ok, shameless plug but I had to throw in something about my business! ;)
My husband and I have been married 6 yrs and have been trying to find ways to save money all 6 of them. Between my husband and my 5 year old they change at least 3 times a day. It seemed like we were buying a thing of laundry soap every week or so. And even though we bought the cheap stuff from Dollar General that still adds up. I started researching how to make your own laundry soap and it's SUPER EASY! I have been making our own for almost 2 years now and I will never go back to buying at the store.
You can find everything you need at Wal-Mart and some stores even have the ingredients right together. I searched a ton of blogs and found one that had it all. Blissful and Domestic.
I use her recipe but I add a little extra for smell and to help with any stains.
Laundry Detergent
4lb box of Baking Soda $2.24
4lb box of Borax $3.97
4lb box of Super Washing Soda $3.24
3 bars of Fels-Naptha Laundry Soap .97 x3
A Capfull or 2 of Purex Crystals $3.97
2 scoops of Oxi Clean $3.86
(Prices are from the Wal-Mart I use in Boonville, MO)
A Capfull or 2 of Purex Crystals $3.97
2 scoops of Oxi Clean $3.86
(Prices are from the Wal-Mart I use in Boonville, MO)
I pour the boxes in a 5 gallon bucket.
When I first started I used a cheese grater like all the other Blog pages said to do to cut the Fels-Naptha bars. This was hard and very time consuming! Then I would put them in a food processor to make them very small. I finally got wise the other day and found an easier way to cut the bars.
I put them on a cutting board and cut them in chunks with a knife. Put the chunks of one bar and a scoop or two my ingredients I had already poured in my bucket, into the food processor and grind until very small. Pour into the bucket and do the same for the next two bars. I use my hands to mix the 5 gallon bucket and your done!
Personally I like to start the water on my washer. I let it fill until there is enough water to cover the bottom. I pour 1/3 cup into the water and then put my clothes in.
This 5 gallon bucket will last our family of 4 about 3 months. But we do at least 2 loads of laundry per day and if my husband does laundry for some strange reason he pours 3 scoops in. YOU ONLY NEED 1 SCOOP!!!! Hopefully everyone else listens better than my husband! LOL
***Works well for HE washers as well***
***All tools including the food processor are separate from what I use to work with food. This is a personal preference as I make custom soaps so I have the extra set of equipment on hand***
I can make you some of this laundry soap if you don't want to spend the time or money. I charge by the pound plus shipping. Please contact me the following ways.
Email at
I will be adding mason jar's of laundry soap on my store soon.
Please see all Creations By CC items for sale at
You may also see other creations I have made on my Facebook page, Creations By CC at
Here is a sneak peak for you.....
I LOVE to make custom orders. I have over 50 fragrances to choose from. Please see my or Facebook page for ideas or message me with your own ideas and we can come up with a custom order for you.
Crystal :)
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