Tuesday, February 25, 2014

10 Something Tuesday ~ Netflix

Welcome to my very first 10 Something Tuesday! 

So what the heck is that? I don't really know. I just made it up while sitting in the waiting room the other day. My idea was to come up with 10 random things every Tuesday. Like today, 10 of my favorite shows on Netflix.
A few examples might be 10 cheap road trips, 10 weird fruits, 10 things to grow easily, 10 goofy selfies.
Who knows what I will come up with, BUT this is not all about me. This is where you can contribute also. Come up with 10 Something of your own, email it to me at creationsbycc1@gmail.com and I might feature you as a guest blogger!

So why 10? Because 5 is not enough and I had just watched How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days.  What better way to get the idea! LOL

Now on to today's Netflix 10. 

If you live paycheck to paycheck like our family then you are always looking for ways to save money but still have a few fun things. We started on Netflix about 6 years ago but we had the plan where you picked 3 DVD's and they would mail them to you. When you were done you mailed them back in a prepaid DVD case. Which was OK, but sometimes you wanted to watch something spur of the moment or we would lose one or all. Don't get me wrong, this is a good plan, it just didn't work for us.

Then we found, in my opinion, THE BEST THING EVER! For $7.99 a month you can watch TV shows and movies, anytime, anywhere!

How do you watch Netfix

If you have a game console that connects to the Internet or is wireless you can usually go through that. For example, we have a WII. You download it on the WII for FREE. You will use your controller and your Netflix log in. It's that easy!

A week or so ago we bought a new Blue Ray Player. We don't have any Blue Ray's but we needed a new DVD player. $58.00 and a trip to the local Wal-mart, I was surprised to find that when I plugged in the new Blue Ray Player I not only had options for other online apps, but my remote had an actual Netflix button. We moved the WII to the kids room where they could watch Kids Netflix while we watched our favorite shows in the bedroom. Yes, you can watch on different machines at the same time! Not to mention I can watch on my laptop, my Nook HD+ and Smartphone. All of this for $7.99 a month!

I am a stay at home mother, and despite what I try to tell my husband, I really DO have all sorts of time on my hands! But let's try to keep that little secret to ourselves. After a few days of Netflix I became completely and utterly obsessed. And when I say obsessed I mean at times I was staying up until 1 and 2 in the morning because I just had to see what was going to happen next. One example was Prison Break. And to be totally honest, I loved the show and the plot was gut wrenching, but the eye candy was the sweetest treat. (wink wink)

Board yet? Sorry, I tend to ramble on. As promised here are my
Top 10 Netflix picks:

10) Gator Boys-  
 Gator Boys follows the death-defying exploits of Paul and Jimmy, two extraordinary alligator trappers who risk injury and death to hand-capture nuisance alligators that have invaded the back yards, pools, garages and bedrooms in Florida.

9) Gold Rush - 
In this sign-of-the-times reality show, six victims of the economic downturn decide they have a better chance of striking gold than finding new jobs. As a result, the Oregonians soon find themselves in Porcupine Creek, Alaska, panning for ore.

8) Life -
Exonerated after 12 years in prison, former LAPD cop Charlie Crews has his life as a job restored, but the unconventional thinker brings a new Zen attitude to his work, as well as a fierce resolve to catch the real culprits in his own unsolved case.

7) The Glades - 
Abrasive homicide detective Jim Longworth hopes to massage his recently bruised ego by moving from Chicago to Florida's everglades, but a new romantic relationship and the unusually high murder rate thwart his plans for relaxing on the golf course.

6) Army Wives - 
This drama series follows the emotional ups and downs of four women and one man, each married to a soldier and living on an army base where they contend with infidelity, PTSD, their spouse's long deployments and other heartaches.

5) Switched at Birth - 
In this ABC Family drama series, a pair of unsuspecting teens discover they were accidentally switched at birth, setting off a chain reaction of life-altering changes to the families they've always known.

4) Hart of Dixi - 
New Yorker Zoe Hart's dreams didn't involve patching up the locals in a tiny town in the Deep South, yet that's exactly where the fast-talking city girl finds herself when she ends up inheriting a medical practice in Bluebell, Ala.

3) Hell on Wheels - 
Former Confederate soldier Cullen Bohannon seeks his wife's killer as post-Civil War America struggles to rebuild its identity. His quest traverses the history of Reconstruction, peopled with railroad bosses, emancipated slaves and immigrants.

2)Sons of Anarchy -  
 After seizing control of its town, gun-running motorcycle club the Sons of Anarchy soon butt heads with rival biker gangs, racist groups and the law. Meanwhile, young Jax Teller finds himself torn between protecting his son and loyalty to his gang.

1) Prison Break - 
When his brother, Lincoln, is wrongly convicted of murdering a powerful politician's brother, structural engineer Michael Scofield resolves to bust his innocent sibling out of the Notorious Fox River State Penitentiary.

******PLEASE NOTE: All of the show descriptions I got directly from Netflix*******

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